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FLORENCE - Home of The Renaissance and More

Updated: Feb 4

The cradle of the Renaissance. To think that so many creative minds were centered in this relatively small space in such a short span of time is mind boggling. In their wake, they left Florence an embarrassing cache of priceless artwork and architecture. This abundance of riches can be overwhelming for the first time visitor, but take also take the time to wander aimlessly in this fantastic walking city and you will be rewarded with medieval streets and buildings as well as Renaissance palaces. I recommend at least 3 days in Florence if you can spare the time, not including a day trip; 4 if you want to squeeze in a Day Trip through Tuscany or to Bologna. If you do not have the time, then just get here for as long as you can and you will be glad you did. Remember you do not have to do it all because you can always come back.

The artists were mainly supported by the Medici and that is why many hung around here for a long time. Michelangelo, Leonardo, Botticelli, Rafaello, etc, all benefited from the Medici patronage.

The city is supremely walkable and the huge Duomo of Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore always provides a landmark to guide you through the city. The Duomo has an incredible history. The building was originally commissioned in 1296 and not completed until 1436. The facade dates from the 19th century. The crowning glory of this building is Filippo Brunelleschi’s Dome. This was an incredible engineering feat and it is still the largest brick and mortar dome in the world. It is awe inspiring. For more detail click the link below.

Things to See

Duomo and Baptistry

A great structure. A must see. This is also a great landmark in negotiating your way around Florence. If you want to see the original Baptistry doors head to the Museo del Duomo. There are great stories about Ghiberti and Brunelleschi who competed for the commission of the bronze baptistry doors and the cupola of the Duomo. Ghiberti won the bronze door commission, but Brunelleschi won the much more time consuming Duomo commission. The two remained hated rivals until the bitter end. Here is an interesting article about the detail:

Piazza Signoria

The heart of Florence. A great square with a great building (Palazzo Vecchio). You will feel like you stepped back in time as much of this square has not changed for hundreds of years. There is a plaque marking the spot where Savonarola was hanged and burned at the steak. Savonarola was famous for the “bonfire of the vanities” where he urged followers to throw sumptuous worldly possessions in a bonfire on Piazza Santa Croce.

The David

OK. You were not even thinking about missing this right… Get your tickets in advance to see the big guy or you will suffer with very long lines and waste precious vacation time. You can get tickets on this site

Uffizi Gallery

Another absolutely do not miss this! Unbelievable collection of artworks from the Renaissance and other periods. You will not forget a visit to this place. Get an audio guide or take a tour to really enjoy the place. I cannot stress enough - Get your tickets in advance and do it now because there are plans to distribute some of the artwork at the Uffizi throughout as many as 100 spaces across Tuscany.

Floor plan to determine your best route for the visit:


Beautiful setting for some fantastic sculptures including Donotello's David. I love this place!

Mercato Centrale

Get there and check out the place where the Florentines shop at. Great place to go morning or early afternoon to grab lunch and enjoy the fun. Unbelievable choice of foods and drinks. You will love this place - a great experience.

Santa Croce

Take a step back in time on this square. You will notice many medieval buildings. Go inside this church and check out the who’s who of the renaissance. The place is like a burial ground for the who’s who of the Renaissance, Michelangelo included. Definitely worth a visit.

Giardino di Boboli (Boboli Gardens)

Take a nice walk up the hill over the Ponte Vecchio and bring a picnic lunch. Enjoy the gardens and the view over the city. A great break from the hustle bustle of Florence. I always go here once when I am in Florence.

Piazzale Michelangelo

Another good walk up a long hill that gives sweeping views of the city.

Medici Chapel

Not far from the David this place has two great statues by Michelangelo - Dawn and Dusk and is the final resting spot for some of the Medici.


In general, you will get great food in Florence. Make sure you try Ribbollita - a thick soup, Bistecca all Fiorentina - if you like rare meat (trust me it is good), wild boar - not gamey, crostini and Pasta with Porcini mushrooms).

Ristorante Natalino

We always stop here for dinner, but it is also open for lunch as well. Not in the guidebooks but has some very good food and is authentic. It must be good - it has been around since 1880. Great sandwich shop as well for that trip to the Boboli Gardens.

Buca Lapi

A great place for the famous Bistecca all Fiorentina from Chianina beef unique to Tuscany. Expensive but worth it. Please be advised that they cook it rare and do not tell them you want it otherwise as they may stab you in the heart! Try it you’ll like it.

Il Latini

Good typical Tuscan fare located about 8 minutes from the Duomo. Both Florentines and Tourists eat here. Give it a try the food is simple and good.

La Giostra

The place was started by a prince and now run by his sons. The food is excellent and a little fancy but not ridiculously priced.

Cinghiale Bianco

Means White Wild Boar. On the Oltrarno side of Florence which is on the other side across the Arno from the Duomo. It serves real Florentine food in a simple but great environment. Get the Cinghiale con Polenta (Wild Boar with Polenta) - what else. If you want a romantic spot call at least a day or two in advance and ask for the table upstairs. You will have your own private table and the servers will climb up to bring you your dinner.

Trattoria Pallotino

Good place to stop for lunch. Very simple mom and pop place (my favorite kind). Serves traditional Florentine food including Ribbolita and wild boar over fresh pasta.

Rivoire Café

Located right in the Piazza della Signoria. A great place for coffee, tea or drinks. As beautiful as the interior is, I would opt for a table outside overlooking the piazza. It is great to sit here and watch the world go by. As I have mentioned, in Italy they don’t bring you the check, you must ask for it and you can sit for a very long time.

L’Osteria di Giovanni

Exceptional food and highly rated. Run by the Latini family. Excellent food. Another excellent choice for Florentine specialties. Good place for homemade pastas.

Ristorante Paoli

Beautiful interior in this building with frescos on the walls. Another place for Florentine and Tuscan fare but this has the advantage of being between Piazza Signoria and the Duomo.

Icche C’e C’e

Near the Bargello, which I highly recommend a visit to for it’s fine sculptures. This place offers up some delicious food with creative and beutiful dishes.

Cantinetta Antinori

If you are a wine lover then a pilgrimage here is a must. The food is very good but the big draw is what you wash it down with. Excellent place for lunch when in the area. So spring for that glass of Tignanello and enjoy it for much less than what you would pay for it in the US.

Vivoli Gelato

We have been going here for as long as we have been going to Florence. Sumptuous and creamy gelato. Don’t call it ice cream because it is a totally different beast. Homemade and one of the best in Florence.

Ristorante La Spada

This place has something that no other restaurant on this list has, in fact I know of no ither restaurant in Florence that has one – a wood fired rotisserie. You can get Arrosto Misto, which is mixed meats done in the rotisserie. They also do their Bistecca alla Fiorentina over wood.

Cantina Barbagianni

About an 8 minute walk from the Duomo. Excellent food with some Tuscan Classics but also some items that are not on other restaurant menus in Florence.

La Fontacine

About 8 minutes from David’s house, the Accademia, and close to the railway station on via Nationale. Another highly rated restaurant in Florence. Excellent food, service, and ambiance. Bistecca Fiorentina is a good choice here.

Trattoria Nella

This located close to the Ponte Vecchio. It is a small Trattoria with wonderful food and very reasonable prices, especially considering it’s location. The place is still run by a elderly couple who provide a warm welcome.


Hotel Loggiato dei Serviti

Lovely hotel very close to the center dating to 1527. The hotel is located on a perfect Renaissance Piazza with the Ospedale degli Innocenti, which was designed by Brunelleschi, directly across from the hotel. There is a wide aray of rooms with a couple that have balconies. A reasonable 3 star with lots of charm.

ALERT: This hotel is undergoing renovation until December 2025. I am sure it will be a welcome change.

Morandi alle Crocetta

A great budget choice not far from the Duomo. It is a lovey property especially for the rice. Bathrooms are smallbut functional. There is not much public space but there are some rooms wit patios that prvide access to an area to lounge around in the Tuscan Sun.

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