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Verona - Food, Wine and Juliet

Updated: Jun 3, 2023


Obviously the big draw to this region is Venice but Verona is a lovely city that is worth a visit. Many people do this as a day trip from Venice. You can make it from Venice to Verona in a little over an hour by train. I highly recommend a trip here although like most places I really love, I think it is worth at least 2 days to fully explore the city. It has a very walkable Centro Storico.

Things to do

Roman Arena

From about mid June to early September you can visit and be treated to a great atmosphere for Opera. There is nothing like seeing an opera in Italy and this is one of the best venues for it.

Castelvecchio and Museo Castelvecchio

An imposing castle with crenelated walls. This Is the type of thing you might expect to see from a movie set for a medieval building/fortress. The inside is equally impressive and houses the Museo di Castelvecchio and admission is the only way to see the inside.

Juliet’s Balcony

It is kind of Corny

but everyone wants a picture from Juliet’s balcony. There is no historical significance to this balcony and there is nothing to indicate this is where Shakespeare's Play took place. But hey, I still took a photo of my wife on the balcony and gosh darn it so can you.

Piazza delle Erbe

Built on a Roman forum. This is a beautiful pizza. It is ringed with Cafes and Restaurants to enjoy a drink or meal and anchored by the Palazzo Maffei.


Due Torri Hotel

This is a stellar 5 star right in the middle of things that is in an old Palazzo. You can snag some significant discounts if you book online in advance. The place just drips with luxury and the staff is very helpful. Rooms are beautiful and the bed and bathrooms are exceptional. It's expensive but if you can get that discount it makes it manageable.

Hotel Accademia

Excellent Hotel right smack in the middle of the Centro Storico. THis place has lovely, clean rooms with comfortable beds. THe rates are very reasonable for what you get especially considering the location. It is very close to the Arena.


A couple of things to be aware of in Verona. If you see Assino or Cavallo on the menu, it is Donkey and horse meat in that order. Amarone is from this region and it is a spectacular wine that can have as much as 16.5% alcohol and this is the place to sample some bottles.

Osteria al Duca

They have some delicious homemade pasta dishes here. They have a 20 Euro menu that includes a first and second course. This is not like a tourist trap fixed menu, they offer up some excellent meat and pasta dishes on the menu. They have an extensive Wine List that features wines from all over Italy but they are very heavy on Veronesi wines including over 39 selections of Amarone alone.

Focacceria La Figaccia

Acclaimed Focacceria with some interesting twists. This is a great place to stop for lunch while walking around the city. If you have not had Focaccia then this is a good place to try it. KInd of like a thick pizza but with all sorts of options for how it is served and with many different fillings and toppings.

Gelateri Balu

If you are in the mood for some sweets then this a place for you. Very good gelato in the heart of Verona. We had a mix of flavors and all were delicious.

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